Our Approach
Our Approach
In order for any church to function and thrive as they did in the Book of Acts, we must lay the fundamental structure of what God wants the church to be. The organization must follow these rules:
- Decentralized - Not one church, or person, or persons to rule.
- Governance - The Word of God must be the central theme of the church. Rules without rulers.
- Open Source - All should feel free to contribute. The Word taught should have little or no charge to anyone.
- Inclusion - All must know that they are included and are a vital part of the growth of the Body of Christ.
- Transparency - Clearness. Decision making must not be hidden from others in the Body so that all can benefit and come to a common understanding.
- Consensus - As Christians, although we are diverse in culture and upbringing, we should all strive to have the goal to be of one accord, to be in harmony.
- Peer to Peer - We should all be accessible to one another. There are no "privileged few".
Our Story
Our Story
Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth and The Life. Because we believe this, we as the Body of Christ, must keep him as The Head of his Church and let no one usurp that authority.