Jesus' Birth

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Look what I found:

Jesus' Birth Timeline

Posted : July 8, 2022 8:10 am
Posts: 6

Yes, I ran into this page [and site] back when I was in Tucson.  I was unaware that (a) Ernest L. Martin's works were preserved anywhere, and that (b) his research constituted the seminal research that was later adapted by John Crouch as principal contributor to VP Wierwille's "Jesus Christ our Promsed Seed".  That's why the conclusions are essentially identical.

I must admit my first reaction was that Wierwille's book had been plagarized!  But some quick checking made it clear that , if anything, it was the other was around.  And then I quickly verified that Dr. Wierwille duly accredited Dr. Martin in several key places thoughout his book (both as footnotes in the text, and in the bilbiography at the back).  Ultaimtely, I did purchase my own copy of Enest L. Martin's epic "The Birth of Christ Recalculated".

I was, up until early last fall, attending a fellowship at the Crouch's home in Olney, Md. We parted ways after he introduced "personal prophecy" into the fellowship in a markedly under-handed way (yet my absence for a stint in NY was a factor).  He passed away sometime this spring.  Sadly, even more lamentable than his demise itself, was that we never got into any serious discusion about many of the things I'd learned since our Way days/daze (just occasional small talk before meetings started, etc.).

John also lectured at a nearby church that he'd been "witnessing to" regarding his favorite/pet topic, including a few anecdotes not appearing in either publication.  So blessed to see him still learning.  John made a DVD on this topic also  that I have if you're interested.

Posted : August 13, 2022 2:32 pm